Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Prayers of the Saints....

So, as of the last post, you know my husband and I were thrown a little bit for a loop. We were not expecting to go straight to IVF, or any of the things that come with that. Honestly, we did not know what to to proceed. times like are brought to your knees. What has been amazing are the people who have surrounded us, friends, family, our clergy, in prayer. We thank all of you for your support and prayers as we travel this road. We do not have definite answers yet, but we are grateful for a wonderful and encouraging meeting with our doctor this past Monday. We are grateful for the many discussions we have had with others regarding this whole process...and most importantly...learning to trust God (which I admittedly struggle to do). There has been much grace and mercy all around...and even the opportunity to pour out my frustrations, hurt and pain to God. Please continue to pray that we would honor God, and love each other well. So...this is where we are we continue the journey.

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