Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Baby Steps...

These last couple of weeks have been filled with much prayer, research, talks and caring for each other as we continue on this journey. At this point we have taken the small step of initiating the process of embryo adoption. We are excited about this step, but know that things can change, but at this point we feel this is the direction we have been pointed. Right now the three big things we would appreciate your prayers for; they are 1) A great match! That God would bring about the right situation and provision for the child He wants to join our family. 2) Pray for good health. As you know, going down this road has it's risks, but they are no different than the path we were on before this direction. Pray for a healthy heart and body that would carry a baby well. 3) Pray for Andy and I as we step through this adoption process, there are many steps along the way...and this is just one of many. 8) So...this is the latest! Thanks for going on this amazing journey with us...we look forward to seeing what the Lord has in store. Blessings to you all!


  1. From a future cousin...and family (I am signed into K's account. hehehe YEAH!

  2. So excited for you and our entire family! <3
