Monday, October 27, 2014

One Step, One Breath at a Time...

I feel like I have been holding my breath a lot these days. Waiting for the next step, the next thing...Well, I guess I can start with my Cardiology appointment today. It was great! My blood pressure was wonderful...a great check up...and I got to catch up my Cardiologist on where we were with things. These are all good things...especially since the Cardiology part of my syndrome is quite a significant factor.  There is that! Yay! Good News! But....(It seems there are a lot of buts these days)...then I had to call my Reproductive Endocrinologist. Let's just say...that even though we are in the waiting process for Embryo body has seemed to throw another kink into the process. There is a possibility that scar tissue from my surgery back in April might hinder the ability to carry a child (which would prevent an embryo adoption). I go into the doctor again on Wednesday to discuss what is going on with my body, and possibly more tests to see what the issues are. Please pray for wisdom, and grace and peace in this latest set back. I will be honest, my attitude has not been the best lately...and it hurts. That being said...We know that we are being guided into a very specific direction (even if we don't know what that is right now). Please pray for a miracle...and guidance as we go through this next step. Grace and Peace to you all...and thank you for your prayers.


  1. My prayers are with you. My daughter had issues with carrying babies. She had one miscarrage and then a daughter who is now 13. She then had 4 miscarrages and a still born. We also carry the BRCA mutation gene so she wanted to get everything taken out but the Doc told her to wait until she was 40 and at 39 she got preg with our now 3 yr old granddaughter. It has been a hard road. I will pray that God shows His love an mercy on you. I pray that His will be done in all of this. He has a plan but sometimes it's hard to wait for His plan. Take a deep breath and wait upon the Lord.

  2. Thanks for the prayers and encouragement!
