Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Oh, the Joy....

Y'all...as you have travelled this journey with us, we have boldly shared with you our hopes, disappointments, joys and heart ache...all with the hope of showing that God cares about His children through every bit of it. We just want to let you guys know that God is moving in a very special and beautiful way as He is weaving this story together. I will not share specifics at this time (as I need to ask permission first), however, we would like you to know that we are in the process of another embryo adoption. We would appreciate your prayers as we work out all the little details of the process. Please pray for these precious embryos. One of the big prayer request is for the safety of their transportation to our clinic, that they would be safe and protected well. Please rejoice with us, and the donor family over the beautiful tapestry of a story that God is weaving together. We thank you for your prayers, and are so excited about this next step. 8) Thank you for always grieving with us in the pain, and celebrating with us in the JOY!!

With excitement and hope!

Andy and Kristyn 

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