Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A heart of Thankfulness, Hope...and Un-ending Gratefulness...

Hello All,

Today is a bit of a different post. It has been something on my heart that I have been mulling around in my head for weeks. As many of you have followed our journey...you know that we are in the process of our second embryo adoption. We are so excited...but I wanted to take a moment for thankfulness...for hope...and to express a heart of gratefulness that I don't ever feel like I can fully express. I want to express this heart to our donors. We have been blessed not just once, but twice with a great match...and two families who are giving us the chance to be parents. This brings tears of happiness to my eyes and my heart. We have been given the opportunity to experience a pregnancy, to get that first positive pregnancy test...and hopefully to have more children brought into our family, all because of the gracious donation of embryos. Andy and I do not take this lightly...but realize what a special gift we have been given. Oh my goodness...words fail me...but what I guess I am trying to express is not only is embryo donation such a precious gift, but when God brings people together, it is such a special and beautiful thing. We have two precious donating families who have given us the most precious gift we could think of...and we are SO blessed to have them in our lives! You give us hope! You have given us a chance. 8) We love you!

In hopeful anticipation,


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Big Day...

Hello All,

Tomorrow is a BIG day!! Tomorrow we will find out if we can move forward with our adoption. Andy and I are so excited!! Really...everything is looking good...but we just have to get the "go ahead" from my doctor. 8) However....one BIG prayer request for tomorrow is that my scope goes well. I am not anticipating anything different. We did just do this a few months ago. However, it is our first scope since our miscarriage...and my doctor just wants to make sure everything is looking good. I always hold my breath a little bit (just natural on this journey ;). I would continue to ask for your prayers over the details tomorrow....and that Lord willing we will be able to begin the process of welcoming these precious gifts (embryos) into our family. We are so very grateful to even have this opportunity. We thank you for all your prayers.


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Continuing the Journey...

Hello Everyone! 8)

So...I am so excited to just share with you that things are going well this week so far. Today my clinic   was able to get some information they needed to continue to the next step of our process. Yay! I will continue to rejoice at each little step! At this time, now my Dr. has the info he needs and has asked me to come in for another Hysteroscopy. My doctor had mentioned doing this after our miscarriage, but wasn't sure exactly when that was going to happen. Please pray that everything looks good. As you know...there is no reason that it shouldn't....we just did this not even 4 months ago....however...I do not take anything for granted. 8) My doctor likes to be very through...and for this I am grateful. So not a lot to share today...but things are moving. We love you all...and please continue to keep us in your prayers. 

A hopeful family,


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Oh, the Joy....

Y'all...as you have travelled this journey with us, we have boldly shared with you our hopes, disappointments, joys and heart ache...all with the hope of showing that God cares about His children through every bit of it. We just want to let you guys know that God is moving in a very special and beautiful way as He is weaving this story together. I will not share specifics at this time (as I need to ask permission first), however, we would like you to know that we are in the process of another embryo adoption. We would appreciate your prayers as we work out all the little details of the process. Please pray for these precious embryos. One of the big prayer request is for the safety of their transportation to our clinic, that they would be safe and protected well. Please rejoice with us, and the donor family over the beautiful tapestry of a story that God is weaving together. We thank you for your prayers, and are so excited about this next step. 8) Thank you for always grieving with us in the pain, and celebrating with us in the JOY!!

With excitement and hope!

Andy and Kristyn 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A Change in Scenery....

Y'all...this is just to let you know...that I NEEDED something a bit more cheery for my blog template. YAY!!! The other one was meant to show the hard difficult mountain we climb on this journey. I think we GOT that loud and clear! This journey also has much beauty and there can be LIFE in it! Therefore...as of today...I am making this rather needed change! 8) Love to you all!


Preparing the Mommy Heart in Me....Whatever Road that May Be

Hello All,

I will get the basic update out of the way first...as I know you are all waiting with bated breath. ;) I did hear back from our coordinator for our embryo adoption and there is really no new news at this time. We are waiting for paper work to be returned and labs to be done for the prospective donor families...so essentially we wait. I am so grateful to know where we are and although waiting is not easy...I am confident things are moving as they should be...and God's timing is perfect. So I would continue to ask for your prayers for the potential donor families, and for a great match. We are SO thankful for all of you joining us in praying for this process...because this is just as important as any other in the entire journey. We know what a blessing it is to have a great donor family...and we know that this piece is SO very important to our hopeful family. So this is where we are in the process for now.

So as we wait...the Lord has really began to nudge my heart to use this time well. I will be honest...I do NOT wait well...and (ahem...Yes...I know I have said that before!) can be a little impatient (Andy?...Care to add anything here;). I have been struggling with this "waiting period" as an inconvenience. However, I feel like I am being prodded to use this time well. Ok.....Lord...How?? To be honest...when you are struggling with infertility, and awaiting what will happen...you can feel like you are in a very big "No Man's Land".  I don't want this time to go by in vain. I don't want to look back at this time and realized I could have been using it for other things. So...I feel like God is asking me to use the gifts and talents He has given me. Wow! I don't know if you know this...but going through infertility...you can feel like you are "broken"..especially when your body is the one that is having difficulties. You can feel like you do not have much to contribute (let me be clear...there is no one in my life who has said anything to make me feel that way)...and all that is a LIE straight out of the pit of hell. It's like I am being encouraged to remember the beautiful, creative and special person God has created me to be. (I am just getting real here about some of the difficulties on this journey). So...there are a couple things that I feel God might be pulling me toward...but what I do know is that God wants to breath life into this soul and others who are traveling or have traveled this road. He wants to bring healing to the hearts and lives of those affected by the difficult circumstances of life. Sometimes this means pushing us out of our comfort zone. So, after a few brief chats with people I feel like I am being pulled back into my photography (novice). My heart is to use this mainly for families, families in waiting, and families who have experienced loss. Also, maybe to begin working on a devotional specifically geared toward those who are mothers in waiting (no matter what that looks like). Anyway...we will see what happens with all of this. I am sharing this so that you all can be praying with me as I walk this road. I am a mother whose heart needs to be prepared, to be made ready for her family, and who needs and desires to continue this journey well.

Thank you for allowing me the precious opportunity to share my heart....

Kristyn 8)