Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Numbers are rising!!!!

Hello All!!

So yesterday we had our second round of lab work done for our tot! It was suppose to rise to at least 1500 or above....and our levels was 2871!!!! Oh my goodness! We are so thankful that our tot is doing well so far!! Yay!! Our next round of lab work will be 6/22....! We are so grateful to God for this little blessing! This is all good news so far!!! I am also in the process of getting all my appointments set up with my OB/Cardiologist/High Risk Pregnancy/Endocrine doctors! So far...things are going well with that as well. Andy, Tot and I continue to appreciate your prayers for continued healthy growth/development and pregnancy! Thank you for traveling with us on this exciting journey!!

Grace and Peace to you All!

Andy, Kristyn and Tot

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