Monday, June 29, 2015

Grace for the Journey

Hello All,

This has been a difficult week. Although this is true...and I know that it will take time to process the grief...this is not what this post is about. This post is just to simply request your prayer for decisions in the days, weeks and months to come. This journey is not over...but we have no idea what the next steps are. We need and want God to make this very clear, just as he has at each step. Please pray for our doctors, coordinator, and Andy and I as we have discussions coming up. Our hearts long for a child/children...but we don't know what this might look like. Please pray for continued grace on the journey...that is all we ask. We appreciate all of you and will keep you in the loop. As for now...I expect there to be a time of silence as we may not have direction for awhile. Your prayers are not in vain...they are felt. So for now we live. For now we hope in a plan greater than ours. For now we wait on the Lord.

Grace and Peace,

Andy and Kristyn 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Our Precious Baby

Hello All,

Andy and I just wanted you to know that we lost our precious baby last night at  5 weeks 4days. We confirmed by ultra sound this am. We are going to take time to grieve and process what next steps might be. We would appreciate your prayers during this time. May we continue to see the goodness of God through this. What we have been given is time to grieve...time to mourn our loss....please pray that we do that well.  We love you all!

Andy and Kristyn

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Our Wild Ride

Hello All,

I was really not expecting to send out another update....but here it is. Our Wild Ride. So we ended up back at the doctor today. The good news at the moment that I can take heart in is that we have not miscarried at this time. The bad news is that I have been diagnosed with a sub-chorionic hemorrhage. This can resolve on it's own...but the potential issue is that if it gets really large, it can increase chance of miscarriage or impede the growth of the baby. Please pray that this issue is able to resolve in the best of ways. Please pray that the baby remains healthy, continues to grow well, and that Andy and I will have peace during this roller coaster. The last few days have been intense for sure. I will need to take good care of the baby and me for now. We appreciate and welcome your prayers as always.

With much Love,

Andy, Kristyn and Tot

Monday, June 22, 2015

A Tot-ally Good Update!!

Hello All,

So after our scare this past weekend, I was able to go in for blood work today (which had already been planned). My numbers came back today at 19,910!! This is pretty good for 5weeks 3days along. I am praising the Lord, because we really thought we lost our Tot this weekend...and that was scary. We are so grateful, but realizing this whole process is a continual surrender. Parents...I don't know how you do it!!! LOL! Anyway, we still appreciate your prayers...we apparently are going to need it with this Tot, because he/she is already giving us a heart attack (which I understand is also normal ;). Thank you all so much for traveling this road with us. Our labs are done for now...and now we just wait for our next ultrasound (which looks like it might be on 7/8). Yay!!! Wow!

With much Thanksgiving,

Andy, Kristyn and Tot

Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Scary Morning...

Hello All,

So yesterday and early morning have been quite eventful. I will keep things appropriate for this blog...but needless to say, yesterday started out concerning, and early this morning went to scary for our Tot (an it's parents). Needless to say, my doctors office was able to get me in this morning and do an ultrasound. Looks like Tot is still sticking around which is a huge praise. However, what we do know for sure at this time is that there is ONE Tot...and it is still with us. Whew! Please continue to pray for our Tot that it would continue to grow well...and not scare it's mommy and daddy so much. So now...I am ordered to kick my feet up and stay on the couch for now.

Grace and Peace,


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Numbers are rising!!!!

Hello All!!

So yesterday we had our second round of lab work done for our tot! It was suppose to rise to at least 1500 or above....and our levels was 2871!!!! Oh my goodness! We are so thankful that our tot is doing well so far!! Yay!! Our next round of lab work will be 6/22....! We are so grateful to God for this little blessing! This is all good news so far!!! I am also in the process of getting all my appointments set up with my OB/Cardiologist/High Risk Pregnancy/Endocrine doctors! So far...things are going well with that as well. Andy, Tot and I continue to appreciate your prayers for continued healthy growth/development and pregnancy! Thank you for traveling with us on this exciting journey!!

Grace and Peace to you All!

Andy, Kristyn and Tot

Friday, June 12, 2015

We are PREGNANT!!!

Wow! It still feels surreal...but these are the words that my heart has longed to write for so very long. Andy and I are pleased to let all of you know that officially today...we are PREGNANT! My Beta test came in at 387 which is the possibility of twins...but more likely a really strong singleton. YAY!! We are so very blessed to have so many of you praying with us, traveling with us, journeying with us through this process....we could not have been here had it not been carried by your prayers, support, understanding and love. Our biggest prayer for today was that no matter what...we would be able to see the goodness of God. Indeed He has answered that prayer.

As you all know...there is still a long journey to travel yet...and we are so excited to take this next step. Please pray for the growth and health of this precious life growing inside of me. Please pray for my body to tolerate this pregnancy without complication...and that my health will remain well during this process. In the next week, I will be having blood work to make sure the baby is growing/developing well. Also, I will be followed closely by my awesome team of doctors as we take this journey step by step. Please pray for their wisdom and guidance as they help guide my care. Please pray for he takes on a pregnant wife....LOL!

We Praise God with the Bad News....and we Praise God with the GOOD news! Today we rejoice. May God's grace and peace be with you. May you be able to see His goodness today!

With much love...and overflowing hearts,

The Johnson Family ;)

Thursday, June 4, 2015


Hello All!

So this journey is so crazy. Due to the ups and downs, it is so easy to focus on the negative, and lose all the positive things that have happened. Although I can't go in to EVERY detail of all the AWESOME things that have happened on our are just some from the last few days. Firstly, Huge praise that we were able to continue on and have this opportunity with Tot #2. Also, as we were preparing to go into this round, we got the go ahead to use "embryo glue" which helps the embryo "stick".  (Yay!)
Secondly, we were waiting with great anticipation to hear if our Tot #2 had survived the thaw (which is of course a big deal). Things were running a bit behind that morning...and to be honest...we were getting nervous. However, when the Embryologist came in, she notified us that she had preformed a procedure called Assisted Hatching (which helps the embryo come out of the "shell"). This is usually another extra cost...but it was not for us that day. We have no doubt our doctor, clinic staff, nurses, and everyone involved have done EVERYTHING possible to help us on this journey. We could not be more grateful for their care and compassion.
Also, we have been prayed for, cheered on and supported by so many of you...and for this we truly appreciate it more than you all could ever know. One precious moment was also getting a texts and e-mail from our donor family this week also cheering us on (Amazing!). You need to know how much each one of your prayers and encouragements mean to us. We ask that you would keep them coming over the next 9 days as we await to hear if this Tot "stuck" or not. 8)
I just had to share just some of the things we are thankful for!! Thanks Be To God!!!

Grace and Peace to you ALL!!
Kristyn 8)