Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Good News/The Bad News

Well....this journey is filled with all kinds of good news and bad news. By now, we have become use to this. So the good news is I had a follow up with my doctor and had repeat scans today, which showed we could begin meds for our second go around. Yay! This is good news. So we are continuing on at this time. The bad news (which I guess is not really bad news) is that I have bought myself another hystroscopy next week. My doctor wants to take one more look and make SURE that there is nothing else going on that would be overtly causing an issue with implantation. So...I guess I change my mind...that is actually good news. My doctor is awesome and being proactive! So I would appreciate your prayers that there would be no new surprises, and that if there are any issues, that they would be easily fixed (preferably...there would be no new issues ;). We will go ahead now and in list your prayers again for our Tot #2 that it would thaw well...and that my body would behave itself and accept this new little life. 8) I also got a very good report from my Endocrine doctor and my diabetes is being well controlled. So...many praises for today! Thanks for traveling this road with us!

Grace and Peace,


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