Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A heart of Thankfulness...

Hello All,

As you know, this journey is filled with all sorts of twists and turns (Whew!). So, last week at my follow up appointment from our failed Frozen Embryo Transfer we reviewed everything. Ultimately, everything looked GREAT! The embryo looked great! Everything on my end looked great. We did end up making a small change in medications to add a low dose daily aspirin, but kept everything else the same. However, my doctor wanted to do another scope, just to make SURE that there were no other overt issues going on that could be a problem. I have to be honest with you...I was so worried that my body was misbehaving, and that polyps or scar tissue was back or causing a problem. Well, today was the day...and everything looked GREAT! I have one tiny small polyp tucked up and away on my left side, but my doctor does not think we need to do anything, and that it is NOT a problem! Other than that...everything was beautiful! Praise God! So as my doctor and I continued to discuss other details of my the end I asked him if there was ANYTHING else I could be doing to help. His answer was simply "Pray". I can not tell you how much I appreciated that. I am so grateful for my doctor and his team....more than I could express. This journey is by no means easy, and having been blessed with such an amazing team is such a gift from God. So, I am insisting y'all once again to pray for our precious embryo, that it would thaw well and grow. Also, for my body, that it would be receptive to the precious embryo and carry it well. We have already begun the next round of meds and are looking tentatively at a May 26th transfer date. We thank you all for traveling this journey with us, and look forward to seeing what happens with this precious little Tot #2.  Blessings to you ALL!

Grace and Peace to you All,


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