Wednesday, May 27, 2015

And we are on!!

Hello All,

So I would like to share the good news for today!! My doctor's office called this afternoon and we are on for our second embryo transfer on June 3rd! I was not where I thought I would be in the preparation process, but my doctor feels that we should continue on, and I will trust his guidance in this!
We would appreciate your prayers at this time though, because honestly, we are tired. This journey can be exhausting at times, and this is one of them. Andy and I had a great weekend away over Memorial Day (which was GREAT and much needed). We are doing our best to be taking care of ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually, but we just ask for your prayers. This whole journey is about being honest about where we are, and there it is. Please pray for our little Tot#2 as we prepare for this second round and that my body would be at the precise place it needs to be to allow this child to grow well. We are fighting fears that this round might not be successful, and we would appreciate your prayers for peace as we surrender those fears to God. It's really hard not to be discouraged over the little things after all the amazing hurdles we have gone through to get here. Please pray that we would rest in the One who is in control! Blessings to you all.

Grace and Peace,


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