Wednesday, May 27, 2015

And we are on!!

Hello All,

So I would like to share the good news for today!! My doctor's office called this afternoon and we are on for our second embryo transfer on June 3rd! I was not where I thought I would be in the preparation process, but my doctor feels that we should continue on, and I will trust his guidance in this!
We would appreciate your prayers at this time though, because honestly, we are tired. This journey can be exhausting at times, and this is one of them. Andy and I had a great weekend away over Memorial Day (which was GREAT and much needed). We are doing our best to be taking care of ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually, but we just ask for your prayers. This whole journey is about being honest about where we are, and there it is. Please pray for our little Tot#2 as we prepare for this second round and that my body would be at the precise place it needs to be to allow this child to grow well. We are fighting fears that this round might not be successful, and we would appreciate your prayers for peace as we surrender those fears to God. It's really hard not to be discouraged over the little things after all the amazing hurdles we have gone through to get here. Please pray that we would rest in the One who is in control! Blessings to you all.

Grace and Peace,


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Tot #2...For This Child I (We) Prayed

Hello All,

Well...I went to the doctor again today and everything is looking great! My doctor is doing things a little differently with my medications this time, and we will be waiting another week to do the Frozen Embryo Transfer, which will be June 3! I am so very thankful that things are going well...but to those of you who have ridden this roller coaster with us, there is still a long way to go. We did get the go ahead to use something called "embryo glue" this time. I have also have proceeded with trying acupuncture as a conjunctive therapy for this go around. However, with these minor changes the most important thing we can be doing, and we ask from you all is prayer. Again, we ask for prayer that Tot#2 thaws well! My heart also wants to pray for good implantation and a healthy pregnancy (which I do pray for) but also that the Lord's will be done. That our hearts would submit to His will. That we would remember that He does care for us in the midst of it all. So we pray in hope for this child. For this journey. We are so thankful to all of you! For this child (these children) we have all prayed!

Grace and Peace,

Kristyn and Andy

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A heart of Thankfulness...

Hello All,

As you know, this journey is filled with all sorts of twists and turns (Whew!). So, last week at my follow up appointment from our failed Frozen Embryo Transfer we reviewed everything. Ultimately, everything looked GREAT! The embryo looked great! Everything on my end looked great. We did end up making a small change in medications to add a low dose daily aspirin, but kept everything else the same. However, my doctor wanted to do another scope, just to make SURE that there were no other overt issues going on that could be a problem. I have to be honest with you...I was so worried that my body was misbehaving, and that polyps or scar tissue was back or causing a problem. Well, today was the day...and everything looked GREAT! I have one tiny small polyp tucked up and away on my left side, but my doctor does not think we need to do anything, and that it is NOT a problem! Other than that...everything was beautiful! Praise God! So as my doctor and I continued to discuss other details of my the end I asked him if there was ANYTHING else I could be doing to help. His answer was simply "Pray". I can not tell you how much I appreciated that. I am so grateful for my doctor and his team....more than I could express. This journey is by no means easy, and having been blessed with such an amazing team is such a gift from God. So, I am insisting y'all once again to pray for our precious embryo, that it would thaw well and grow. Also, for my body, that it would be receptive to the precious embryo and carry it well. We have already begun the next round of meds and are looking tentatively at a May 26th transfer date. We thank you all for traveling this journey with us, and look forward to seeing what happens with this precious little Tot #2.  Blessings to you ALL!

Grace and Peace to you All,


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Good News/The Bad News

Well....this journey is filled with all kinds of good news and bad news. By now, we have become use to this. So the good news is I had a follow up with my doctor and had repeat scans today, which showed we could begin meds for our second go around. Yay! This is good news. So we are continuing on at this time. The bad news (which I guess is not really bad news) is that I have bought myself another hystroscopy next week. My doctor wants to take one more look and make SURE that there is nothing else going on that would be overtly causing an issue with implantation. So...I guess I change my mind...that is actually good news. My doctor is awesome and being proactive! So I would appreciate your prayers that there would be no new surprises, and that if there are any issues, that they would be easily fixed (preferably...there would be no new issues ;). We will go ahead now and in list your prayers again for our Tot #2 that it would thaw well...and that my body would behave itself and accept this new little life. 8) I also got a very good report from my Endocrine doctor and my diabetes is being well controlled. So...many praises for today! Thanks for traveling this road with us!

Grace and Peace,


Monday, May 4, 2015

Next Steps....

Hello All,

Andy and I want to thank you for your support and prayers; we have been blown away. We are doing well, and looking forward to next steps.

So I already have an appointment with the doctor on Wednesday for a consult and follow up (which is normal at this point). I am looking forward to hearing what he says and what are our next steps might be. We would appreciate your prayers for guidance as we proceed forward. Thank you so very much!