Monday, November 2, 2015

WE have NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello All you know this year has been a roller coaster of  ups and downs. We have had the joy of finding out my body could get pregnant, we have been through loss, we have gained VERY special people in our lives....and we have been given the opportunity to become parents....TWICE!!!!! Andy and I would love to share with you this evening that our adoption of FOUR precious embryos has become official!!! We are so excited and look forward to seeing what God will do with this. One thing that we have learned through this journey is that EVERYTHING has been worth it. We have been given and entrusted with such precious gifts, and rejoice in the opportunity that has been given to us to hopefully bring these children into the world. is how you can be praying for us in the now. These babies will be transported to our clinic...please pray for their safe transport AND that they survive the thawing process. This process will begin PLEASE keep these precious embryos in your prayers. Also, please continue to pray that my body carries these babies well. This is how you can join us on this journey. We love all of you...and thank you for following our tots' journey. All of them, from the beginning. We will keep you updated...but are beyond ecstatic about this next step.  

Grace and Peace to you All!
Andy and Kristyn (and all of our tots)

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