Friday, November 6, 2015

Our Christmas Gift...

Hello All,

So it is with great joy that we are excited to share that we have a tentative date for our next embryo transfer....December 1st! Each of our embryos are a special gift...and this Christmas we have been given the gift to begin again. We would appreciate your prayers over these embryos, and all the details that go into this process. Please continue to pray for safe transport, and that these embryos would thaw well! This will not be a long post, but just wanted to share with those who do not know! 8)

Also, I please continue to keep us in your prayers and in mind as we hit different "milestones" we would have had with Adi. We are doing well, truly...but this would have been the time for baby showers, and getting prepared, and ultimately our February due date, so your prayers are appreciated.

We love you all!

Grace and Peace,

Kristyn, Andy and All of Our Tots!!

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