Friday, October 9, 2015

In Christ Alone...My Hope is Found

Hello All,
Just a little update from the Johnson Clan. Things are moving along well with our adoption...and we are so excited. There are so many things to be praying for at this time...and we will get to that. However, at this time...a friend shared on their Facebook page the song "In Christ Alone". This got me thinking that with EVERYTHING that is going on...that my hope is in Him. Not to get distracted by the details (which is my tendency). Always a good reminder (which I need often). 8)

So...part of that is surrendering all the worries to God in prayer. Again, that is why we ask you to join us in prayer. Specifically at this time we would appreciate your prayer as the agreement moves towards being finalized, we are making preparations for the transportation of these precious embryos. THIS IS HUGE! Please pray for the safe transportation of these little "tots", please pray for all the details; storage, transportation safety, and proper handling of our precious cargo. Also, please continue to pray that my body would remain healthy and be able to carry well these precious babies. That is where we are right now. As always....Thank YOU for traveling this road with us! We appreciate your prayers! Many blessings to you all!

With much Hope,

The Johnson's 

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