Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Road Ahead....

Hello All,

Where to start...I guess I can begin with the fact that we had a follow up appointment with our Dr. today. I have been so nervous about what his feedback was going to be after our miscarriage...and the look on his face when we first started talking...well...I was convinced that we were done with this part of the journey (thankfully it was just his focus on reviewing the results).
After reviewing all the information there is no way to tell exactly what happened. The embryos looked good. Things with my uterus looked good... So what does that all mean??? Well...because things looked so good he is willing to support us going through another embryo adoption. This is good news at this point. However, we have some work to do. They would usually wait until after we had multiple miscarriages before doing a work up for any autoimmune/immunity issues. However, as we don't have the luxury of multiple attempts on our own...we are going to go ahead with lab work and do a biopsy to make sure that there are no autoimmune issues lurking in the back round, or any unseen issues with my uterus while we await another match.

We also had a great conversation with our coordinator...and she was able to help us with information on some of our different options. The good news is that we are at the top of the list....so this may happen faster than we think. She also helped us think through possibilities two or three steps ahead of where we are right now...which is helpful for me as we process this.

All in all our appointment was very good...and productive. However, I will be asking you all to join us in prayer as another match is made...and the process continues. We have traveled so far...and I know God has a plan for ALL of this, but it can be emotionally exhausting. We have been given the precious gift of being parents to two beautiful embryos, and gone through so much to be here...but there are still unknowns and hills to climb.

As always...I have tried to be transparent with this journey...and I will continue to do so. It is very hard to admit this...but I have started to struggle with some "woe is me" moments. Someone graciously and with much care pointed out that I might be struggling with jealousy. But you know what...they were right. I wish that I didn't have all the uphill battles with my body that I apparently have, I wish things were easier....but you know what, don't we all? We all have things in our life that cause difficulties. We may be asked by God to wait...and trust. My flesh does not want to do that at times...and it kicks and screams when things are more difficult than they should be. But this I know for sure...EVERY time this has happened in my life...it has been for the best. There has been a bigger purpose in it...and one day....it will all make sense. I know when that day comes, you will all rejoice with us about the child/children that God brings into our family! I am holding on to hope in the midst of the unknown. I am holding onto the hope that God does care and knows the depths of our journey and is not absent in it. Please pray that God would give me/us peace in the waiting...and that He would be preparing our hearts to be the parents He wants us to be.

Grace and Peace to You All,


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