Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Time Has Come!!!

Oh my goodness!!!

So, I went in for my ultrasound on Monday, and it looked GREAT!!!! So, we have begun meds and will be going in for a follow up ultrasound around April 8th, and then our Embryo will be transferred (hopefully) on April 14th!! We are so excited, but we covet your prayers that the medications would work, that the embryo would "defrost" well, and that the baby would grow. We are so excited and grateful for this opportunity, and looking forward to see the story that is unfolding. We thank the Lord for every step that has happened, and thank you for following us on this journey. The journey is definitely not over...but just beginning! 

Saturday, March 21, 2015


Ok. One of my favorite movies is a little one called "Up". Other than being a cute cartoon means so much more to me. This movie touches on the issues of infertility, love, lost dreams, and life in such a beautiful way (and with a tad of awesome humor). As Andy and I have been going though our journey that the Lord has laid before us, it is so easy to get caught up in the details...but here is the thing this movie reminds me of...God is writing a beautiful story. Every time I see "UP" this idea is impressed upon my heart. Our lives may not turn out exactly like we had planned or hoped. However, He is unfolding a beautiful plan even if we can't see it. This is such a good reminder for me, because I want to know everything. Now. I can't wait to see the story that He is unfolding for Andy and I, and what He has in store. Lord, May my heart continue to trust You, the One who is trustworthy! For now, I will rejoice that we have been given the precious gift of our embryos; our children. The future of all of it is up to Him;  I need not worry, because I am not the one in control. 8)

Grace and Peace,


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Spring...a time for New Beginnings

Hello All,

We are getting so close to our Frozen Embryo Transfer...and so many thoughts and feelings are going through my mind. I am so excited, nervous, anxious...and through this time of Lent...I have had to encounter these emotions. It has been such a great time (not easy, but needed)...but as I think of this next step...getting close to makes me think of new life...renewal! Looking back at was the time for Advent...the waiting and anticipation of what was to come. Lent has been a time of contemplation, pondering, and focusing on the work the Lord is doing in me and around house per se. As we head toward our Embryo Transfer (around Easter time)...I feel that the timing could not be better. Lord, with your help, prepare our hearts as we prepare for the possibility of new life! This continues to be a sanctifying journey...and with God's help...we will soon be parents.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Inching Closer....

So each step of the way on this journey has had it's "hold your breath and see what God will do" moments. We have passed SO many of them...and for this we are VERY thankful. So it looks like (Lord willing and body cooperating) that we will do our Frosty Baby transfer (Frozen Embryo Transfer) in a few weeks. Here are the big prayer requests for this step. Please pray that the embryo defrosts well. Some embryos do not make it through the defrosting process, and we only have two. This will be one more BIG praise if the embryo is able to defrost well (we are doing one at a time). And the second is that the embryo would stick...and grow and become a healthy baby! We are so close, but still need all of your prayers. Please join us on this next exciting step. We love our babies so much already!