Sunday, January 4, 2015

Waiting and Anticipation...

Hello All...Happy New Year! Wow...2015! I hope that your holidays were wonderful....and now...we begin returning to reality. I figured it was the right time to update on our journey. Really, there is nothing incredibly new at the moment...just learning how to wait...have patience...and enjoy the anticipation. I have never been really good at waiting...but I am learning to take joy in the waiting. So, we are continuing our journey with the embryo adoption, and we are still waiting for a match. It is exciting to see what God will do with this time....this BIG unknown. Anyone who knows me understands that I LOVE to have all the little details in place and know what is going on. In this case...none of that can happen. Each step of the way will have it's challenges...and waiting...and waiting, etc. We continue to pray for peace during this time...and for a great match. So...I will keep things updated as we wait. Grace and Peace to you all!

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