Thursday, January 29, 2015

Our Adoption begins....

Hello All! I am so excited to share with you all that today we got the call that we have been matched with our embryos! Andy and I are so joyful and excited that the next step in the process has happened!! We will be figuring out over the next little bit how the next stage works, but it is here! We  thank God so much for His goodness and we ask all of you to be praying as we enter into this next step. We are so excited and just can not contain it! Thank you so very much for walking with us. As tomorrow is my birthday...this is pretty much the BEST birthday present EVER!


  1. Happy Birthday my Sweet friend! I have been praying with you both along the whole journey and I will continue to do so. I sincerely cannot wait to see what the next year has for you both!!

  2. We are THRILLED for you two....and our entire family! <3
