Friday, September 12, 2014

Kissing Boo Boo's...

For some reason today...I was thinking that one of the things I look forward to in becoming a mom is kissing the boo boo's, the ouches, the scrapes..etc. You may think this sounds crazy...or silly, or because I am a nurse. It may be all of those things, but ultimately I was contemplating the idea of pain. I thought of those times when we were children when we fell down, got bruised, hurt or injured in some way; any way. What did our mom's do? They kissed our boo boo's and made it "all better". What was it that made me feel better? I know a kiss doesn't heal a wound, or stop the bleeding of a does something so much more. It acknowledges the pain. That is healing. Bring that forward into our own lives...and we have wounds, scars, hurts...and when someone takes the time to acknowledge our brings comfort. So...look around you for the injured...and kiss some boo boo's. 

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