Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Reality Bites....

So...with a little humor I say that sometimes reality can be difficult...and some days it is. Today, my doctor had a nice little heart to heart with me...and my body is just a stubborn oddity. All the things we thought looked good....are being difficult. is one of those days that I would like to ask for your prayers through this process. We have a lot of BIG decisions to make and pray though....and just ask for you to join with us in that! So....for today...I will be can be difficult, but God is good, and I know He has a plan. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Kissing Boo Boo's...

For some reason today...I was thinking that one of the things I look forward to in becoming a mom is kissing the boo boo's, the ouches, the scrapes..etc. You may think this sounds crazy...or silly, or because I am a nurse. It may be all of those things, but ultimately I was contemplating the idea of pain. I thought of those times when we were children when we fell down, got bruised, hurt or injured in some way; any way. What did our mom's do? They kissed our boo boo's and made it "all better". What was it that made me feel better? I know a kiss doesn't heal a wound, or stop the bleeding of a does something so much more. It acknowledges the pain. That is healing. Bring that forward into our own lives...and we have wounds, scars, hurts...and when someone takes the time to acknowledge our brings comfort. So...look around you for the injured...and kiss some boo boo's. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Oooops...I did it again.

Ok, I have never been great at keeping up with blogs...and unfortunately, I did it again. As I look at the blog, I realize that it has been almost 2yrs since the last post. Ooops! Oh well, life gets busy and things keep going...and finally you have time to reflect on the last year...or two. regards to this blog...this last year has been incredible...and hard...and exciting...and painful...and growing. There is not just one word that can explain the roller coaster of infertility. So...our year began with deciding that this was the year to really try to get pregnant. So....after many years I asked my OB/GYN for a referral. At first she gave me one...but then said "No, I think this other doctor will be better for you." So began our journey. Firstly, let me say that I truly believe that God's hand has been in this whole process. The doctor and the whole office we were referred to have been AMAZING! Oh my goodness. They have walked with us every step of the way...and it has been awesome to have such a great team. I digressed, but I had to say what a blessing they have been!

Ok, so in going to our new Reproductive Endocrinologist, we learned a lot more about my Turner's Syndrome that we did not know before. One problem that I could potentially have is a rupture of the aorta with a pregnancy. Whoa! Ummm....I didn't know this. Yep. So Andy and I did a lot of praying and to be honest...I was freaked out at first. "! I am not doing that." Then God said "Trust Me."...and I said "I don't know how to do that well"....and we continued on the process. My doctor and my cardiologist worked together and I had an Echo and a Cardiac MRI done...which came back GREAT! Praise the Lord. This does not mean that there are not risks....but it does mean that at the heart looks good.

Also, I realized that I would have to get healthy if I was going to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy I began exercising/dieting...and have now lost approximately 18 pounds. So this was a big deal because (if you don't know already) fertility meds can make you gain this was very important for me. those things were taken care of...and we continued on the process....and through a couple of tests found out that I needed to have surgery. So in April, I had surgery...and it was a blessing. Through the surgery we found some things that needed to be taken care of, and they were at this time.   So....we began the meds. Clomid, Ovidrel and now Follistim. Whew! I will tell you...for those who have not gone through can not understand the craziness of having your hormones stretched, pulled in all directions. LOL! All I have to say is that I am so very thankful for my husband! 8) Anyway...this is where we are at. Thankful for the hope and opportunity, prayerfully proceeding on...and learning to Trust the One who is Trustworthy. I don't know what the future holds...but I know that there is a plan. May God's Grace and Mercy be with all people who are on this journey. Blessings!