Friday, September 7, 2012

Pursuing Life Anyway...

 So what path do you take when things do not go as planned? I do not have the exact answer to this. This is a question that I have asked myself many times over the years. What do we do now? Over the last eight years we have turned a lot to prayer. We have asked God for direction, and although it was in relation to kids, it has brought us toward other things that we have never expected. For one, it has taken us on a trek from Atlanta to Dallas to attend Dallas Theological Seminary. Although this time has been for school, it has also been for our family and whatever future God has in store for us! It has been a great time of growth personally and as husband and wife. I would not change a moment of where we have been called to be.

 Sometimes, I think it would be easier if all of a sudden you found out you were pregnant one day, than going through years of uncertainty. It would be easier for things to happen exactly like we planned. But easier is not always better. You know, I can look back now and understand why God had me become a pediatric nurse. There were so many times that I wanted to quit, or was not quite sure if that is what I wanted to do. Going through infertility, I am forever greatful that my path included serving children and families and being able to love on them! What a great gift! What have been your blessings on this journey?


  1. Hey Kristyn-
    I am one who likes to be in control, and as Andy and I were trying to get pregnant, God made it very obvious that He is in control, not me. Of course I have always known that in my head, but applying it and feeling it in your life, and allowing it to happen rather than fighting it, takes it to a different level. Andy and I definitely grew closer as a couple and closer to God as a result of our struggle. Thank you for sharing your heart so openly. Praying for and with y'all. :)
