Monday, January 30, 2017

God's plans...Our Journey Changes...

Wow! Has it really been almost a year since I last posted. Whew!! I can't believe it. I guess it is about time we gave an update on our journey. As many of you know last year we had our 4th transfer with our embryos....and it did not take. We spent a lot of the year trying and trying...but my body did not cooperate. Therefore, we took a break. We moved, bought a house, went on a trip to New Mexico on an epic road trip, Andy was ordained a deacon, then a priest, we changed know...just a typical year ;)....but we took a break from our infertility journey. Believe it or gave us time to contemplate. Through out all of that, Andy and I were talking, praying and discussing our family plans. In the end...we have decided to end this part of our journey. not worry about the embryos...they are tucked away safe and sound, and will be used someday...just not by us. We have made sure they are safe and sound. Please pray for us as we start down a new path....because our journey is not over. We still believe that God has a plan for us and our family. May He bring the perfect situation that we may in some way be of help in. Would you join us as we process this loss...and look forward with hope to what He is bringing together. We love you all. Thanks in advance for your prayers. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

February is Coming...

Hello All...Just updating the blog a little bit. There has been a little news since I last posted. So as most of you know already, our December transfer was not successful. After our consult with our doc, we decided to take a little break to do a biopsy and to go see our family that we had not seen in two years. Well the biopsy was done, and it came back NORMAL! This is good news. Yay!! We also had some much needed time with family...which was very good and needed! So....we begin medications this week to begin the process again and will be planning for a February transfer. As you know...we were due with our precious Adi in the timing of this next transfer is very special and hopeful for us. Please pray for these precious embryos, that they would thaw well. Please pray for a miracle that everything would work together well...and ultimately that God's will be done. I don't know what God will do...but I know He cares for us. Each step is such a major thing. All we can do is take this journey one step at a time. Sometimes...I tend to jump ahead to early. For now...we will take this step. Pray for the embryos, that they would be vivacious and ready, and that my body would carry well. Please pray for our hearts during this time as we grieve what could have been at this time....but look forward in hope that God can do miracles...and what a wonderful thing it would be to become pregnant this time. Who knows!! We carry forward in hope!!! This is our cry this live in HOPE!! Thank you for all your prayers!!!

Andy, Kristyn and All Our Tots

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Christmas Miracles...

Hello All!

So, I haven't posted in awhile, because I have been updating things mainly through Facebook and in person. However, I decided it was time to catch this blog up tonight! 8) Since the last time I wrote, we had our first transfer with this set of embryos. Sadly, we did not get pregnant this time. We did not get the Christmas miracle we were expecting. After this failed transfer, my doctor called and discussed all the details of this transfer..and the upcoming plan. He reviewed our embryos, and then brought up discussing future possibilities. At this time, things like gestational carriers, future decisions...etc came up. Ultimately, our doctor felt that there might be something else going on with me. So....just as with everything else...we have to take this journey one step at a time. This was a bit shocking, because this was the first time my body responded so well to the medications, and I didn't have to go an extra week. So, at this time, the next step is a biopsy (no...nothing to do with don't worry). It will help (hopefully) to give a clearer picture of what might be going on. My doctor has always covered all the this is just one more step to making sure my body is as ready as possible to carry these babies. However, during this did make me face the fact that there might be a wrench thrown into my plans. What do you mean at this point there might be an issue with me carrying? Ahhhhhhhhhh....the frustration was acute. My heart was breaking. I shared my heart and asked for prayers as this news was being processed. It was making me face the fact that this might be our last round...things might not happen the way I was expecting....I might have to give up my dreams. Christmas miracle happened. God showed up. He showed He still cares about the details, our hearts, these babies. Ultimately, He provided a peace that reminds me He knows all the details of this process...He loves us, our little tots, and everyone involved in this process. Things might end up looking a little different than I thought, or not...but He is moving us along in our journey and is with us every step. Your prayers have been part of that. So for now things have not really changed...except God is working in our hearts. What you can be praying for is that we get some answers that will be helpful in our process, and would be able to be easily fixed to proceed on. You can also be praying for our babies that they would tolerate the defrosting process and be active, vibrant embryos that are ready to snuggle into their new home. Most importantly, you can pray for us to be faithful to God on behalf of these babies, that we would make the best decisions for them as their parents. The praise and the Christmas miracle here is that He is bringing peace to this journey. May the Lord continue to preform miracles on our journey...Thank you for continuing on this journey with us!

Andy, Kristyn and our Tots

Monday, November 23, 2015

The Stork Is Coming....Well...Sort of :)

Hello All,

I will make this a quick update...but wanted to share some GREAT news! Went for my doctors appointment and things looked GREAT! We were given the go ahead for a December 1st transfer! This is very exciting because I have always needed another week of medications. Also...our babies are traveling through the night and should be delivered to our clinic tomorrow. PLEASE pray for the safe travel of this VERY precious cargo. We are so grateful for your prayers and joining us in this wild ride of a journey. We will be praying too as we await "The Stork" to arrive tomorrow;).

Andy, Kristyn and our All of our Tots

Thursday, November 19, 2015

On the MOVE!

Hello All!

I just heard from Cryoport (our embryo transportation company), and both labs have communicated and hey have arranged for the embryos to arrive in Dallas on Tuesday! Please pray for our four precious embryos that they would tolerate the transportation and get nestled in well at our clinic. This is a HUGE prayer request for our donor family and for us to see these embryos get transported well. Everyone has worked so hard on this, and was are so grateful for everyone who has coordinated this precious moment. We already care so much for our embryos.  At this point our transfer date will be December 1st. Please continue your prayers that my body continues to respond to the medications also, and that we will be ready! Thank you for joining us in prayer. We love you all.

With much Love,
Andy, Kristyn and ALL of our Tots

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Our Journey Begins Again...

Hello All,

I know many of you already know...but for those who mainly follow our blog, here it is. Our baseline ultrasound went well today! We were given the go ahead to begin meds! Yay! We are still waiting on our little tots to get here...but things are in progress. Not a long post tonight...but so many good steps. Please pray that my body responds to the medications well. Ahhhhh...on the journey again!

Grace and Peace to you All!

Kristyn and Andy (And all of our Tots)

Friday, November 6, 2015

Our Christmas Gift...

Hello All,

So it is with great joy that we are excited to share that we have a tentative date for our next embryo transfer....December 1st! Each of our embryos are a special gift...and this Christmas we have been given the gift to begin again. We would appreciate your prayers over these embryos, and all the details that go into this process. Please continue to pray for safe transport, and that these embryos would thaw well! This will not be a long post, but just wanted to share with those who do not know! 8)

Also, I please continue to keep us in your prayers and in mind as we hit different "milestones" we would have had with Adi. We are doing well, truly...but this would have been the time for baby showers, and getting prepared, and ultimately our February due date, so your prayers are appreciated.

We love you all!

Grace and Peace,

Kristyn, Andy and All of Our Tots!!