Monday, January 30, 2017

God's plans...Our Journey Changes...

Wow! Has it really been almost a year since I last posted. Whew!! I can't believe it. I guess it is about time we gave an update on our journey. As many of you know last year we had our 4th transfer with our embryos....and it did not take. We spent a lot of the year trying and trying...but my body did not cooperate. Therefore, we took a break. We moved, bought a house, went on a trip to New Mexico on an epic road trip, Andy was ordained a deacon, then a priest, we changed know...just a typical year ;)....but we took a break from our infertility journey. Believe it or gave us time to contemplate. Through out all of that, Andy and I were talking, praying and discussing our family plans. In the end...we have decided to end this part of our journey. not worry about the embryos...they are tucked away safe and sound, and will be used someday...just not by us. We have made sure they are safe and sound. Please pray for us as we start down a new path....because our journey is not over. We still believe that God has a plan for us and our family. May He bring the perfect situation that we may in some way be of help in. Would you join us as we process this loss...and look forward with hope to what He is bringing together. We love you all. Thanks in advance for your prayers.