Sunday, January 17, 2016

February is Coming...

Hello All...Just updating the blog a little bit. There has been a little news since I last posted. So as most of you know already, our December transfer was not successful. After our consult with our doc, we decided to take a little break to do a biopsy and to go see our family that we had not seen in two years. Well the biopsy was done, and it came back NORMAL! This is good news. Yay!! We also had some much needed time with family...which was very good and needed! So....we begin medications this week to begin the process again and will be planning for a February transfer. As you know...we were due with our precious Adi in the timing of this next transfer is very special and hopeful for us. Please pray for these precious embryos, that they would thaw well. Please pray for a miracle that everything would work together well...and ultimately that God's will be done. I don't know what God will do...but I know He cares for us. Each step is such a major thing. All we can do is take this journey one step at a time. Sometimes...I tend to jump ahead to early. For now...we will take this step. Pray for the embryos, that they would be vivacious and ready, and that my body would carry well. Please pray for our hearts during this time as we grieve what could have been at this time....but look forward in hope that God can do miracles...and what a wonderful thing it would be to become pregnant this time. Who knows!! We carry forward in hope!!! This is our cry this live in HOPE!! Thank you for all your prayers!!!

Andy, Kristyn and All Our Tots