Sunday, February 22, 2015

Our Adoption is Final!

Hello All!

So as of today, Andy and I are the parents of two little precious embryos! God is so very good! We are so excited to share this with you, and can not wait to continue the journey. Our next step is continue with the doctor and hopefully get pregnant! We look forward to seeing what the Lord will do. Thank you for continuing on this journey with us, and for keeping us in your prayers

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Matched, Accepted...and now to the Lawyers!

Hello All!

So, as you know, we received our match at the end of January for our embryo adoption. We were so happy, but did not know exactly what to expect next. We received information from the donor family, and then in turn had to present a bio and picture of us. We had to officially say, "yes", and then in turn the donor family had to approve of us (which we did not know at that time). Today we were informed that apparently they accepted us, and that our information has now been sent to the lawyer to officially complete the agreement for the adoption. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Thank you for all your prayers! Please continue to lift us up in prayer as we complete this adoption, and hopefully become pregnant. Please also pray for these precious embryos and for my body during this process, that a pregnancy would occur and that I would be able to carry the child well. We are thrilled and overwhelmed at the same time...and we couldn't be happier! Grace and Peace to you all!