Friday, November 21, 2014

Things to be Thankful for...

So, I am taking every opportunity to rejoice on this journey and to be thankful; even in little things.  So after my great appointment with the doctor last week, I e-mailed the lady who is helping us with our embryo adoption. Good News!!! She let us know that we are FIRST on the list. This is great news, because we really didn't know where we were, whether 5, 10 or 100th on the list. Please continue to pray for the right match, and that my body would be healthy and strong, and that my heart would tolerate the potential pregnancy well. Many Blessings to you all! One more step forward. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Tears of Joy...and so much more!

It has been a few days since my last update. That is mainly because I had no new news to share, and honestly, needed the time. As you know my doctor was concerned that my surgery from last April could be an issue in proceeding with the embryo adoption. This was initially a heartbreaking set back, however, the Lord has used it for His good. I finally had to come to the point of surrendering my own agenda. My own will to birth a child. In His grace and mercy...He has allowed me to truly be excited, content about whatever direction this journey takes towards parenthood. I needed to get there...I needed to go through the loss of dream, and I needed to surrender my will. I want to thank all of you for being a part of that road. Learning to put my trust in the One who is Trustworthy is essential; not always easy.

As you know from my previous posts...there has not been a lot of good news on this journey recently. However, today is different. I had my doctors appointment today, and we were BOTH shocked. The results were good...beyond good...GREAT! Exactly what he wanted to see!! Tears of JOY! I looked at him and said "I was not expecting that.", and he said "I wasn't either". Wow! I loved being totally surprised by God! Then, the new Garth Brooks song "Mom" was playing on the way home...(more tears of joy).

 There is still a long road to go, and I am sure there will be plenty of more ups and downs...but what this means is that we can continue with the embryo adoption at this time!! Now we continue to ask for prayer for a good match, and also a healthy pregnancy. Please continue to join us in prayer as we continue the journey!